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20% Education Budget Allocation Unsafe

sumber : http://www.sfeduresearch.org/content/view/357/77/lang,id/ Tuesday, 07 October 2008

JAKARTA, MEDIA INDONESIA - The allocation of the education budget of 20% in the RAPBN 2009 is unsafe because it can be affirmed that it will not be managed properly. The larger the education budget, the higher the possibility of leaking, in regards the corruptive mental of the managers of the budget.

"I am worried about the increase in the education budget as much as 20% in the RAPBN 2009, without company of tight supervisory commitment and well-prepared program. Corruption will bloom again,” says education observer of Universitas Negeri Jakarta, HAR Tilaar, in Jakarta, yesterday. This evaluation was delivered in response to the findings of BPK and the report submitted by Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) concerning the mismanagement and misuse of budget at the Department of Education in the second semester 2007 which reached more than Rp815 billion {Media Indonesia, (9/24). According to Tilaar, the misuse of the education budget is not only the faults of asset management but it is also caused by the non-existence of program according to the needs at the organization control system of the central government.

Critics towards this misuse were also mentioned by member of Commission X DPR RI Aan Rohanah which considered the Department being too contented with the increase of budget without having any clear program.

"Asset management and organization must be improved by the Department of Education. The General Inspector should not merely proclaim an acknowledgment but also a soulution on how to solve the problem,” says Aan.

The weakness in asset management which was indicated by Tilaar and Aan is what gives opportunity to corruption. However, this was objected by the General Inspector of the Department of Education Muhammad Sofyan in a press conference, yesterday.

"If there is in fact a misuse, what kind is it? The budget misuse meant by ICW does not automatically classify under corruption. Procurement at the Department of Education is always accompanied by proof and physical form,”

He even concludes that the misuse mentioned by BPK is only limited to the weakness in asset management.



Tuesday, 16th September 2008 11:16

Jakarta, (ANTARA News) - The House of Representatives (DPR)`s Comission X is satisfied with the Indonesian government`s decision to put 20 percent of the 2009 State Budget (RAPBN) aside for education.

The favorable comments were heard here Monday in a working meeting discussing the 2009 State Budget between the Comission X and representatives of the minitries of national education, culture and tourism, and youth and sport affairs.

"To make use of it maximally, the government must make priority and educational top programs," a legislator from the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) faction, Aan Rohanah, said.

"The government must increase the quantity and quality of the budget for School Operational Service (BOS)," she said, adding that the Constitution clearly stated that "Each and every citizen must enjoy elementary education and the government must pay for it."

The welfare of teachers and lecturers was also a topic of the meeting.

"The government must pay extra attention to efforts to increase the qualifications, professionalism and welfare of teachers and lecturers," said Rohanah, adding that without professional and adequately-paid teachers, education in Indonesia would not improve nor be competitive.

The allocation for education in the 2009 State Budget had been set at Rp75.551 trillion or up significantly from only Rp 48 trillion in the 2008 State Budget.(*)

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Kandidat Calon Walikota Bekasi Heri Koswara

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